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阅读:97495 收藏:49530 时间:2024-11-19 作者:ffpbs45276投稿




Writing a graduation paper that is free from plagiari is an important part of academic research. Plagiari can take many forms, including using someone else’s words or ideas without proper citation, using data or facts without giving credit, or reusing material without acknowledging the original source. To ensure your graduation paper is free from plagiari, there are several steps you can take.

First, be sure to cite any sources you use as you write. This may include books, journal articles, websites, interviews, or other sources of information. Make sure to use a consistent citation style and include all relevant information such as the name of the author, the title of the work, and the date of publication. Additionally, be sure to clearly distinguish between your own words and thoughts and those of the sources you cite.

Second, create an outline for your paper and include a works cited page. This will help you keep track of all of your sources and make sure you are properly citing them. In addition, be sure to proofread your paper for any mistakes or omissions.

Finally, make use of plagiari checking software to double-check your paper. This can help you identify any potential plagiari before you submit your paper.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your graduation paper is free from plagiari and properly cited.



In recent years, journal paper check for plagiari has become increasingly important due to the rapid development of the Internet and the easy access to information. This paper aims to investigate the methods and techniques used to detect plagiari in journal papers. Firstly, the paper will examine the traditional methods of plagiari detection, such as Turnitin and iThenticate, and discuss their pros and cons. Secondly, the paper will explore the new methods of plagiari detection, such as deep learning algorithms and natural language processing, and their potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of plagiari detection. Finally, the paper will draw conclusions about the effectiveness of these methods and discuss future research directions in journal paper plagiari detection. The findings of this paper will provide a useful resource for researchers, journal editors and publishers to evaluate the effectiveness of different plagiari detection methods and make informed decisions about their use.


Yes, paper plagiari can occur even if the case of words is different.

First, plagiari may still happen if the copied words are rearranged to change the order of the words. For example, if one student copies the sentence “I love going to the movies” from another student’s paper, and changes it to “Going to the movies is something I love”, it is still considered plagiari.

Second, plagiari also occurs when a student changes words or phrases with synonyms. For example, if one student copies the sentence “I he a strong interest in music” from another student’s paper, and changes it to “I he an intense fascination with music”, it is still considered plagiari.

Therefore, it is important to be aware that plagiari can occur even if the case of words is different.


Plagiari is a serious problem in academic writing. It refers to the unauthorized use of another person's words or ideas without giving proper credit. To oid plagiari, there are three key points to consider:

First, use proper citations. Whenever you include a quote, paraphrase, or summarize someone else’s work, you must give them credit by citing their work. This means including the author’s name and the source of the information in the text of your paper.

Second, use quotation marks when quoting directly. If you quote someone else’s words verbatim, you must use quotation marks and include an in-text citation. This will make it clear to the reader that the words are not your own.

Third, don’t copy and paste. Copying and pasting someone else’s work into your paper is a form of plagiari. Even if you cite the source, it is still not acceptable. The only way to oid plagiari is to write your paper from scratch.

By following these three steps, you can oid plagiari and ensure that your academic writing is completely original and free from any unauthorized use of another person’s words or ideas.
