位置 turnitin查重/论文查重时英文摘要写什么


阅读:83891 收藏:43861 时间:2024-01-25 作者:eawah43881投稿





This study examines the impact of customer loyalty programs on customer satiaction and loyalty. The research was conducted using a survey of 200 customers who had used customer loyalty programs. The results showed that customer loyalty programs had a positive impact on customer satiaction and loyalty. Customers who had used the loyalty programs reported higher levels of satiaction with their purchase experience and higher levels of loyalty to the brand. Furthermore, there was a significant positive correlation between customer loyalty programs and customer loyalty. The results of this study provide evidence that customer loyalty programs are effective in improving customer satiaction and loyalty. This research contributes to our understanding of customer loyalty programs and their impact on customer satiaction and loyalty. It provides insight into the importance of customer loyalty programs for businesses and helps to inform marketing strategies.。


Plagiari detection is a critical task for academics and institutions. In this paper, we present a method for detecting plagiari in research papers. We propose an algorithm that can automatically detect copied text fragments in documents. Our algorithm is based on natural language processing techniques and can detect both exact and paraphrased text. We tested our algorithm on a large corpus of academic papers and found that it can achieve an accuracy of up to 87%. We also discuss possible applications of our algorithm, such as preventing cheating in academic contexts and detecting copyright infringement. Finally, we suggest directions for future research.。


This paper explores the effects of internet-based social networking applications on users’ psychological well-being. Specifically, it examines the impact of the use of social networking sites (SNS) on social connectedness, self-esteem and well-being. Data were collected through an online survey consisting of questions measuring users’ SNS use, social connectedness, self-esteem, and well-being. Results show that the use of SNS is significantly associated with higher social connectedness, self-esteem, and well-being. Moreover, the results suggest that the effect of SNS use on social connectedness is mediated by self-esteem, and the effect of SNS use on well-being is mediated by social connectedness. The findings of this study provide evidence for the positive effects of SNS use on users’ psychological well-being. Implications for future research and practical implications are discussed.。


This paper introduces a novel approach to paper plagiari detection. We propose a model based on deep learning techniques, which is capable of recognizing text similarity and detecting plagiari in academic papers. Specifically, we discuss three main aspects: (1) the architecture of the model, (2) the training process of the model, and (3) the performance evaluation and comparison of the model. To evaluate the proposed model, we conducted experiments on a data set containing a large number of academic papers. The results show that our model achieves a high degree of accuracy in recognizing text similarity and identifying plagiarized pieces of text.。


This paper focuses on the application of plagiari detection technology in academic papers. Firstly, the concept and types of plagiari detection technology are introduced. Secondly, the existing detection methods are analyzed and compared. Thirdly, the application of plagiari detection technology in academic papers is discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology are discussed. Finally, the paper proposed that plagiari detection technology should be used in the process of academic paper writing and review, and the technology should be improved in the future to better detect the plagiari problem.。
