位置 turnitin查重/英文综述重复率要求


阅读:97805 收藏:49386 时间:2024-04-03 作者:kerkh6819投稿




Reducing repetition rate is an important goal for academic writing. A high repetition rate can make a paper difficult to read and understand, and can make it less persuasive. Reducing repetition rate involves making sure that each point is made only once, and that it is made in the most concise and effective way possible. There are several strategies that can be used to reduce repetition rate in an academic paper. 。

First, it is important to carefully plan the structure of the paper. This should include a clear outline that outlines the main points of the paper and how they will be argued. This will help ensure that all points are made in a logical and efficient manner, and that points are not repeated unnecessarily.。

Second, it is important to edit the paper carefully. This means ensuring that sentences are succinct and that unnecessary words are removed. This will also help to reduce repetition rate, as it will make it easier to spot any points that are being repeated.。

Third, it is important to use synonyms in the paper. Using synonyms can help to make the paper more interesting and engaging, and can also help to reduce repetition rate. By using different words to refer to the same concept, writers can ensure that they are not repeating themselves.。

Finally, it is important to use visuals to supplement the written text. Including visuals such as diagrams, graphs, and tables can help to make the paper more interesting and more visually appealing. This can also help to reduce repetition rate, as it provides an alternative way of conveying the same information.。

In conclusion, reducing repetition rate is an important goal for academic writing. By carefully planning the structure of the paper, editing the paper carefully, using synonyms, and using visuals, writers can ensure that the repetition rate in their paper is reduced.。


The requirements for the plagiari rate of a thesis are as follows:。

1. The plagiari rate of the thesis should be controlled below 15%, including the self-plagiari rate. The self-plagiari rate should be controlled below 8%.。

2. The author of the thesis should provide the source and references of the information and quotations.。

3. The thesis should not directly copy part of the existing paper without authorization.。

In conclusion, the plagiari rate of the thesis should be kept low, and the author should provide their own source and references. Directly copying an existing paper without authorization should be oided in order to maintain the accuracy and credibility of the thesis.。



Paper duplication rate is an important indicator to measure the academic ethics of scholars. Generally, the duplicate rate of a paper should be less than 10%.。

First, duplicate rates higher than 10% may indicate plagiari. Plagiari is a serious violation of academic ethics, which may lead to a paper being retracted or authors being punished. Moreover, it also undermines the value of the paper, which cannot bring any new ideas and insights to the academic field.。

Second, high duplication rate also affects the quality of the paper. Generally, the duplicate rate of a paper should be less than 10%. If a paper contains too many duplicate parts, it means that the author has done too little research and lacks sufficient understanding of the topic. As a result, the paper cannot reach a high level of quality and has little academic value.。

In conclusion, the duplicate rate of a paper should be taken seriously. It is important for scholars to maintain the academic ethics and write high-quality papers.。


The maximum acceptable rate of duplication in a paper is usually set at a certain rate. Generally speaking, the maximum acceptable rate of duplication in a paper is usually set at 20%, which means if the rate of duplication is higher than 20%, it is considered unacceptable.。

First of all, the rate of duplication should not be too high. The maximum rate should not exceed 20%. A higher rate of duplication will make the paper difficult to read, and it will also he a negative impact on the quality of the paper. It will also show that the author has not put enough effort into researching and writing the paper.。

Secondly, authors should be aware that the rate of duplication can be easily checked. There are many online tools and services that can help authors to check the rate of duplication of their papers. These tools can help authors to identify if their papers contain any plagiarized content.。

Finally, authors should be careful not to copy or borrow ideas from other papers. They should make sure that they write original content that is not based on the ideas of other authors. It is also important to properly cite any sources that are used in the paper.。

To sum up, the rate of duplication in a paper should not exceed 20%. Authors should be aware that the rate of duplication can be easily checked, and they should make sure to write original content and properly cite any sources that are used in the paper.。


To reduce the repetition rate of a paper, there are two main strategies: using synonyms and oiding unnecessary words.。

Using synonyms is a great way to oid repeating the same words in a paper. When writing, it is helpful to use a thesaurus to find alternative words that he a similar meaning. This will help make the paper more interesting and help to oid the repetition of words.。

Another way to reduce the repetition rate is to oid using unnecessary words. Often times when writing, writers can get stuck on their train of thought and find it difficult to move on. In this case, it is important to be conscious of the words used and to make sure that each word adds value to the paper. If any words are not necessary, it is best to delete them. This can help to reduce the repetition rate of the paper. 。

Overall, reducing the repetition rate of a paper can be done by using synonyms and oiding unnecessary words. By doing this, writers can ensure that their paper is interesting and free of any unnecessary repetition.。


The paper's repetition rate is an important factor to consider when writing a paper. It is essential to maintain a low repetition rate to ensure the paper is well written and professional. There are two main ways to reduce the repetition rate in a paper:。

Firstly, using synonyms and other words to express the same idea. This can help to oid unnecessary repetition without changing the overall meaning of the paper. It is also useful to use a thesaurus to find alternative words to express the same concept.。

Secondly, it is important to consider the structure of the paper. Adopting a logical structure and ensuring ideas are clearly expressed can help to reduce repetition. This will ensure the paper reads clearly and is easy to follow.。

Overall, maintaining a low repetition rate is an important part of writing an effective and professional paper. By using synonyms, and considering the structure of the paper, it is possible to reduce the repetition rate and create an effective paper.。

