位置 turnitin查重/无论什么论文都要查重吗英文


阅读:94427 收藏:48277 时间:2025-01-30 作者:wxfym4004投稿



No, the acknowledgments section in a paper does not need to be checked for plagiari.

First, the acknowledgments section does not contain any research or analysis; rather, it is a section of appreciation. It often contains a list of people who he contributed to the paper in some form, such as providing data, offering advice, or editing the paper. Therefore, plagiari checking software is not necessary and would not be effective.

Second, it is not necessary to check the acknowledgments section for accuracy. The acknowledgments section is not a formal part of the paper, and any mistakes it contains are not necessarily an issue. This is because the main focus of the paper is the research and analysis, not the names of people who he contributed to it.

Finally, checking the acknowledgments section for plagiari would be a waste of time. Plagiari checking software can take a long time to process a document, and with the acknowledgments section being so short, it would not be worth the time or effort.



Yes, all papers should be checked for plagiari. Below are the three reasons why:

Firstly, plagiari is a serious academic crime and should not be taken lightly. It can lead to expulsion from educational institutions, as well as civil and criminal penalties. Checking for plagiari helps ensure that all papers are original and properly credited to their authors.

Secondly, checking for plagiari can also help protect the integrity of academic research. Plagiari undermines the trustworthiness of research, and can even lead to false conclusions. Checking for plagiari can help ensure that all authors are properly credited and that the research is reliable.

Finally, checking for plagiari can help improve the quality of academic papers. Plagiari can lead to papers that are not properly researched or written. Checking for plagiari can help ensure that all papers are of a high quality and free of plagiari.

In conclusion, checking for plagiari is important for ensuring that all papers are original, properly credited, and of a high quality. All papers should be checked for plagiari in order to protect the integrity of academic research and to ensure that all authors are properly credited.


Yes, all papers need to be checked for plagiari. Plagiari is the act of using someone else’s work without properly citing or crediting the original author. It is an act of intellectual dishonesty, as it not only deprives the original author of recognition and credit, but it also takes away from the credibility of the paper. By checking a paper for plagiari, an author can ensure that their work is original and that they he properly credited any sources they may he used. Additionally, checking a paper for plagiari can help to identify any passages that may he been unintentionally plagiarized, allowing the author to make the necessary corrections and to properly credit the original author.


Yes, it is important to check for plagiari for any paper. Here are three reasons why:

First, plagiari is a form of academic dishonesty. It is important to ensure that any paper is original and properly credited to its author. Checking for plagiari helps to ensure that the paper is an original work.

Second, plagiari can lead to legal issues. Plagiari is considered theft, and can result in legal action against the plagiarist. Checking for plagiari helps to ensure that the paper is not a copy of another paper or article.

Finally, plagiari can damage the reputation of the author. If a paper is found to be plagiarized, it can negatively impact the reputation of the author. Checking for plagiari helps to protect the reputation of the author.

In conclusion, it is important to check for plagiari for any paper. Not only does it protect the author from legal issues and damage to their reputation, but it also ensures that the paper is an original work. Checking for plagiari is an important step in the writing process.

