位置 turnitin查重/查重需要放承诺书吗英文


阅读:100969 收藏:50367 时间:2024-04-03 作者:kerkh19719投稿




Yes, it is necessary to add a commitment letter when checking the similarity of a paper. A commitment letter is a statement of commitment and intention to act according to the accepted rules, regulations and policies of the institution or organization. It is used to ensure that the author is responsible for the submitted work and that it is original and free of plagiari.。

The commitment letter should include the author's name, affiliation and title, the title of the paper, and the author's declaration that the paper is original and written by the author himself. In addition, the author should declare that he or she has not used any ideas or materials from any other sources without acknowledging them, and that he or she has not submitted the paper to any other institution or organization for consideration or publication.。

Moreover, the commitment letter should also include a statement that the author realizes that any violation of the rules or regulations of the institution or organization may result in a penalty or diissal. By signing the commitment letter, the author is confirming that he or she has read and understood the regulations and policies regarding plagiari and intellectual property and is taking full responsibility for the submitted work.。

In conclusion, a commitment letter is a necessary requirement when checking the similarity of a paper. It ensures that the author is responsible for his or her work and that it is original and free of plagiari.。


Yes, paper plagiari check requires a commitment letter.。

1. First of all, the commitment letter can help paper plagiari check oid legal risks. It is clear that the content of a paper plagiari check is closely related to copyright and intellectual property. If the content of the paper plagiari check is used by third parties without permission, it may constitute a copyright infringement. The commitment letter can protect the rights and interests of both parties, and make the paper plagiari check process more secure.。

2. Secondly, the commitment letter can help paper plagiari check achieve better results. The content of the commitment letter can clearly state the rights and obligations of both parties, so that both parties can understand the requirements and commitments of paper plagiari check, so as to make the process of paper plagiari check more standardized and efficient.。

3. Finally, the commitment letter can help paper plagiari check ensure the confidentiality of the paper. The commitment letter can include confidential clauses, so as to ensure the security of the paper plagiari check process, and ensure that the content of the paper plagiari check will not be disclosed and used by others without authorization.。



如果文献是英文或者其他语种的,翻译成中文时,知网系统的数据库并没有类似的内容来进行对比。所以知网系统收录了你抄袭的那篇英文文献的话,对于翻译成中文的内容是并不能有效的检测出。但是要注意了,抄袭的英文文献是否被别人用过,如果别人也跟你一样,翻译过这篇文献,并被知网收录。那么你检测的时候就会被显示抄袭他的文章,这到底能不能检测出来,还得查了才知道, 不代表没有别人翻译过的可能性。













