位置 turnitin查重/查重率和字数有关吗英文


阅读:91669 收藏:46880 时间:2024-02-27 作者:xhwmn4755投稿




Yes, the rate of plagiari in a paper is related to the number of words. Plagiari occurs when someone uses someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving credit to the original author. When there are more words, it is more likely that someone will use someone else's words without giving credit. This is because it is more difficult to remember all of the words and ideas that he been used in a longer paper.。

When a paper is shorter, it is less likely that plagiari will occur because it is easier to remember all of the words and ideas that he been used. Additionally, there are more resources ailable to detect plagiari in longer papers because there is more to compare.。

Furthermore, when a paper has fewer words, it is easier to paraphrase or summarize the information in the paper. This is because there is not as much content to go over. Additionally, it is easier to come up with new ideas or interpretations of the information in a shorter paper. Therefore, it is less likely that plagiari will occur.。

In conclusion, the rate of plagiari in a paper is related to the number of words. Longer papers are more likely to he plagiari occur because there is more to remember and compare, while shorter papers are less likely to he plagiari occur because there is less content and it is easier to paraphrase or summarize the information.。



Yes, paper plagiari rate and word count are related. 。

Firstly, the longer the paper, the more chances of plagiari. This is because more content means more opportunities to copy other sources without being noticed. Therefore, papers with longer word counts tend to he higher plagiari rates. 。

Secondly, papers of different lengths require different levels of research. Shorter papers tend to he less original content because it is more difficult to thoroughly research a topic in a limited amount of words. As a result, there is a higher chance of plagiari if the paper is shorter. 。

In conclusion, paper plagiari rate and word count are related. Longer papers tend to he higher plagiari rates, and shorter papers require less research, which can result in more plagiarized content.。


1. 英文摘要论文查重的字数统计主要取决于你提出的问题,以及你所使用的资料。在一般情况下,查重的字数范围可以从200-1000字不等。

2. 英文摘要论文查重的字数一般来说应该在200-400之间,也就是说文章的最大字数不可以超过400字。如果你的摘要论文需要更多的字数,就需要把握好论文的内容,尽量减少论文的冗余部分。

3. 在查重时,另一个重要的因素是论文的声明,也就是要在文章中提到你所使用的资料来源,以及针对你提出的问题所使用的技术和方法。这样做可以帮助你把查重的字数控制在200-400之间,也可以减少论文的声明部分。








